
I had heard a lot about the benefits of acupuncture over the years and was always very curious so after my second miscarriage, I felt it was time to give it a try. I noticed a difference immediately. It doesn’t matter what is happening in my day, when I go in for acupuncture, I feel incredibly restored and relaxed after my treatment and it carries through my entire day. I tend to be a stressed person and after each miscarriage not only is my body healing but I’m healing emotionally as well. I became so stressed worrying about every little thing I did, wondering if it could have caused my miscarriages. Acupuncture is an amazing stress reliever. I think it’s because I’m devoting a half hour to relaxing and living in the moment and not thinking about all my worries. I just let myself be. And if I’m really wound up and can’t relax, they offer guided meditations to help me let my mind go. After the last miscarriage, my acupuncturist helped me get my body and hormones back to normal and I got my first cycle after only a few weeks after my D & C. This has helped … Continue reading Acupuncture